1. Some of these powerpoint presentation files having same name multiple times , although their topics are same but their contents , presentation styles and templet designs are may be different. I request to my visitors that they may download same name ppt at diffrent page which they already downloaded. Thank you for downloading.
2. All powerpoint (ppt) files can be opened with Microsoft Office-2007
3. Some powerpoint templets contains background grphics for example my college name,etc.
so " how remove background graphics " from ppt templets. The steps are Follow :-
-> Download the ppt and open with microsoft office-2007
-> Right Click on the graphics of the templet

-> Then select " format background"

-> Then choose " hide background graphics "

-> Then click on " apply to all"

Now download :-
16. Xtended markup language (XML) (PPT,DOC)
50. Soft computting .rar
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