Database Management Systems
Dr. Padma Mundur
Computer Science & Electrical Engineering Department
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Dr. Padma Mundur
Computer Science & Electrical Engineering Department
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Chapter numbering is different in the 5th edition from 4th edition. If you are using the 5th edition, this is the chapter order we follow in class : Ch1 - Introduction, Ch6- E-R Model, Ch2 - Relational Model, Ch3 - SQL, Ch7 - Relational DB Design, Ch11 - Storage & File Structure, Ch12 - Indexing and Hashing, Ch15 - Transactions, Ch16 - Concurrency Control.
Ch1 - Introduction, Ch2 E-R Model (This is Ch6 in the 5th edition), Ch3 Relational Model (this is Ch2 in the 5th edition), Ch4 SQL (this is Ch3 in the 5th edition), Ch7 (Relational Database Theory),Ch12 (Index structures), Ch 15 (Transaction management), Ch 16 (Concurrency control)
Relational Algebra examples
Ch1 - Introduction, Ch2 E-R Model (This is Ch6 in the 5th edition), Ch3 Relational Model (this is Ch2 in the 5th edition), Ch4 SQL (this is Ch3 in the 5th edition), Ch7 (Relational Database Theory),Ch12 (Index structures), Ch 15 (Transaction management), Ch 16 (Concurrency control)
Relational Algebra examples
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