Lecture Notes For All: Dynamics and Control I



Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dynamics and Control I

Dynamics and Control I

Photo of a tarantula spider on a frisbee.
Multiple frames of reference help explain the position, velocity and acceleration of a spider on a spinning frisbee. See the video for lecture 2 and the reading on kinematics for more on this introductory problem. (Frisbee photo courtesy of Crys Mascarenas; spider photo courtesy of B. Smith. Collage by MIT OpenCourseWare.)

Course Description

This class is an introduction to the dynamics and vibrations of lumped-parameter models of mechanical systems. Topics include kinematics; force-momentum formulation for systems of particles and rigid bodies in planar motion; work-energy concepts; virtual displacements and virtual work; Lagrange's equations for systems of particles and rigid bodies in planar motion; linearization of equations of motion; linear stability analysis of mechanical systems; free and forced vibration of linear multi-degree of freedom models of mechanical systems; and matrix eigenvalue problems. The class includes an introduction to numerical methods and using MATLAB® to solve dynamics and vibrations problems.
This version of the class stresses kinematics and builds around a strict but powerful approach to kinematic formulation which is different from the approach presented in Spring 2007. Our notation was adapted from that of Professor Kane of Stanford University.

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Video Lectures

Special software is required to use some of the files in this section: .rm.
This page presents videos for the first half of the class lectures. These lectures are particularly important because they contain the new kinematics approach.
Note: video is not available for Lecture 6.
Disclaimer from Professor Sarma: A lecture is like a live performance – there are no retakes. So when you watch these videos, please keep in mind that I am human, and I make mistakes. For example, at minute 12 of the video of Lec #2 I make a mistake when I describe why the earth is an approximate inertial frame. What I mean to say is that the Earth, though moving, is accelerating relatively slowly with respect to some imaginary but real inertial frame when compared with, say a space-craft. So we treat it as an inertial frame, and experiments show that that is a good approximation. That's not how I say it in the video, but the students did understand what I meant because the staff of the class interact with the students in a number of ways. So watch these videos but stay alert – and keep in mind that besides making mistakes, I also sometimes joke with my students.

Course information
Begin kinematics: frames of reference and frame notation
(RM - 56K)
(RM - 220K)
The "spider on a Frisbee" problem
Kinematics using first principles: "downconvert" to ground frame
(RM - 56K)
(RM - 220K)
3Pulley problem, angular velocity, magic formula(RM - 56K)
(RM - 220K)
4Magic and super-magic formulae(RM - 56K)
(RM - 220K)
5Super-magic formula, degrees of freedom, non-standard coordinates, kinematic constraints(RM - 56K)
(RM - 220K)
6Single particle: momentum, Newton's laws, work-energy principle, collisions
7Impulse, skier separation problem(RM - 56K)
(RM - 220K)
Single particle: angular momentum, example problem
Two particles: dumbbell problem, torque
(RM - 56K)
(RM - 220K)
9Dumbbell problem, multiple particle systems, rigid bodies, derivation of torque = I*alpha(RM - 56K)
(RM - 220K)
10Three cases, rolling disc problem(RM - 56K)
(RM - 220K)

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