Chemistry Good Lectures Slides

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Table of Contents

Laboratory Safety Atomic Structure Matter Measurement Electrons in Atoms Periodic Table Chemical Bonding Molecular Structure |
PowerPoint Presentations

Laboratory Safety
Laboratory SafetyAtomic Structure - Ch. 3
Atomic Timeline SongMatter - Ch. 1
I. Structure of the Atom
II. Masses of Atoms
I. States of MatterMeasurement - Ch. 2
II. Classification of Matter
III. Properties & Changes in Matter
I. Using MeasurementsElectrons in Atoms - Ch. 4
II. Units of Measurement
III. Unit Conversions
I. Waves & ParticlesPeriodic Table - Ch. 6
II. Bohr Model of the Atom
III. Quantum Model of the Atom
IV. Electron Configuration
I. HistoryChemical Bonding - Ch. 6 & 7
II. Organization
III. Periodic Trends
Come Together: An Internet Sampler on Chemical BondingMolecular Structure - Ch. 6
I. Introduction to Bonding
II. Molecular Compounds
III. Ionic Compounds
IV. Acids
I. Lewis DiagramsThe Mole - Ch. 3 & 7
II. Molecular Geometry
III. Molecular Polarity
I. Molar ConversionsChemical Reactions - Ch. 8
II. Molarity
III. Formula Calculations
I. Intro to ReactionsStoichiometry - Ch. 9
II. Balancing Equations
III. Types of Reactions
IV. Reaction Energy
V. Reaction Rate
I. Stoichiometric CalculationsGases - Ch. 10 & 11
II. Stoichiometry in the Real World
I. Physical Properties of GasesLiquids & Solids - Ch. 12
II. The Gas Laws
III. Ideal Gas Law
IV. Gas Stoichiometry (non-STP)
V. Two More Laws
Gas Laws Practice Problems
Ideal Gas Law & Gas Stoichiometry Practice Problems
I. Intermolecular ForcesSolutions - Ch. 13 & 14
II. Physical Properties
II. Changes of State - Phase Changes, Heating Curves, Phase Diagrams
I. Nature of SolutionsAcids & Bases - Ch. 15 & 16
II. Concentration
III. Colligative Properties
I. Intro to Acids & BasesNuclear Chemistry - Ch. 22
II. pH
III. Titration
I. The Nucleus
II. Radioactive Decay
III. Fission & Fusion
IV. Nuclear Applications
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