Probability for Engineering Applications (ECSE-4500) and Computer Communication Networks (ECSE-4670). Suggested complementary course: Internet Protocols (ECSE-6600)
Acknowledgement: Slides have been based in-part upon original slides/notes of a number of people, including:
Profs. Raj Jain (OSU), Jim Kurose (UMass), S. Keshav (Cornell), L. Peterson (Princeton), John Bellamy's book (Digital Telephony)
This course will develop fundamental concepts and protocols of broadband and optical networking. Broadband networking has been driven by the imminent convergence of telephony (voice), Internet (data), cable (video), and wireless networks. We will review fundamental ideas in each of these areas, and then study architectural and protocol concepts for integrating their traffic into a scalable, high-speed optical networking infrastructure. Concepts and architectures covered in this course will include: high-speed switching & router-design, traffic engineering (MPLS, ATM, frame-relay), fiber optical communications, optical networking concepts, protection/restoration/survivability, optical link layers (SONET, WDM), quality of service (QoS) architectures & building blocks, Gigabit Ethernet for MANs, protocol issues for multimedia (VoIP, video streaming/conferencing), broadband last-mile technologies (cable-modem, DSL, 3G wireless, smart antennas, 802.11-based community networks, free-space-optics). The course will involve substantial reading and a term project to help student synthesize the variety of concepts and appreciate the broad techno-economic challenges.
Probability for Engineering Applications (ECSE-4500) and Computer Communication Networks (ECSE-4670). Suggested complementary course: Internet Protocols (ECSE-6600)
Textbooks (REQUIRED)
1. Srinivasan Keshav, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, Addison-Wesley, 1997. ISBN: 0201634422

2.Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar Sivarajan, Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective (Second Edition), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers; ISBN: 1558606556; 2nd edition (October 15, 2001)
1. John Bellamy, Digital Telephony, Third Edition, John Wiley, 2000
2. James Farmer, David Large, Walter S. Ciciora, Modern Cable Television Technology: Video, Voice, & Data Communications, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers; ISBN: 1558604162; 1st edition (January 15, 1999).
Acknowledgement: Slides have been based in-part upon original slides/notes of a number of people, including:
Profs. Raj Jain (OSU), Jim Kurose (UMass), S. Keshav (Cornell), L. Peterson (Princeton), John Bellamy's book (Digital Telephony)
- Slide Set 1 (Introduction):
In PDF | In Powerpoint - Slide Set 2 (Introduction to Telephony, Cable and Internet Technologies):
In PDF | In Powerpoint - Slide Set 3 (SONET: Convergence at Layer 1):
In PDF | In Powerpoint - Slide Set 4 (ISDN, X.25, Frame Relay, ATM Networks: A Telephony View of Convergence Architectures):
In PDF | In Powerpoint - Slide Set 5 (Label Switching and MPLS):
In PDF | In Powerpoint - Slide Set 6 (High Speed Router Design and Network Processors):
In PDF | In Powerpoint - Slide Set 7 (Traffic Engineering):
In PDF | In Powerpoint - Slide Set 8 (Quality of Service (QoS)):
In PDF | In PDF | In Powerpoint - Slide Set 10 (IP Telephony):
In PDF | In Powerpoint - Slide Set 11 (Introduction to Optical Networking):
In PDF | In Powerpoint - Slide Set 12 (Optical Networking Components):
In PDF | In Powerpoint - Slide Set 13 (IP over Optical Transport Networks: IP/OTN):
In Powerpoint
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