Updated 2/1/10
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Actin and myosin 204 KB Alf *** 5/7/04 Absorption of Light by Chlorophyll 258KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Absorption of food 212KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Aerobic_Anaerobic_Respiration 146KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 ALCOHOL 169KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Alcohol 531KB Nancy Hackmann **** 12/5/09 alimentary canal 3rd year 249KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Animal Behavior Powerpoint 893KB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Asexual Reproduction 144KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Adaptation in animals 2.5MB Katherine White **** 23/11/08 ADH Diagram (Animated) 175 KB Ken Macdonald **** 5/6/06 Adaptation-KS4 287KB Teresa Middleton *** 12/11/08 Alcohol 5.89MB Mitch **** 14/10/05 Alcohol 223 KB Kaye *** 10/1/04 Anaerobic respiration 100 KB Nalford *** 5/7/04 Animal Adaptations I 770KB Sei Mei Li *** 7/7/06 ASexual Reproduction 1.3 MB Rory G *** 5/6/06 Asexual Reproduction 372KB Liza *** 8/10/06 Being Healthy 801KB Stephanie Davison **** 2/11/08 Bird Biology 543 KB Jackie *** 5/7/04 Blood 1.7MB Red Cross *** 14/10/05 Blood 1.2MB Debbie Corral **** 23/3/07 Blood and Circulation 641KB Scott **** 29/12/05 Blood Sugar 462KB Sarah Magor **** 15/5/06 Blood Vessels 602KB C Milne *** 1/4/06 The components of the blood (F) 207KB Teresa Middleton **** 12/11/08 Body Image 843KB Nancy Hackmann ***** 12/5/09 Bones 603KB Liza *** 8/10/06 The Brain 577KB Debbie Corral **** 23/3/07 Brain Parts and Functions 196KB Liza *** 8/10/06 Cancer 262 KB Mikey B ** 03/1/04 Cause and effect of mutation 515KB Lisa *** 29/12/05 The Cell Cycle and Cancer 1.5MB Laureen **** 1/4/09 Cell division & cancer 3.1 MB Bella ***** 14/1/04 Cell membranes 1.7 MB Bella **** 14/1/04 Cell membrane transport 2.1 MB Bella ***** 14/1/04 Cell Membrane + Tissues & Organs Definitions 942KB kostas beritsis **** 16/11/09 Cell Membranes questions document 601KB kostas beritsis **** 16/11/09 Cell Membranes questions - markscheme document 22KB kostas beritsis **** 16/11/09 Cell structures lesson1 1.01MB Becgentry **** 18/12/07 Cell structures lesson2 630KB Becgentry **** 18/12/07 Cells 1.5 MB Stu S **** 19/1/04 Cells2 1.7MB C Milne ***** 1/4/06 Cell_Structure (flash animation) 1.3MB Rodney Boyer **** 17/10/04 cell structures 525KB Roxanne **** 17/10/04 Cell theory 1.97MB Becgentry **** 18/12/07 Cell Transport 2.0MB Sonny or Beth *** 25/12/06 Cell Vocabulary 699KB Mr Ryan **** 12/09/06 The Cell Theory 602KB Eric *** 01/03/06 Cell And Tissue Culture 140KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Cereal Crops 11.4 MB H Wellington **** 19/4/05 Characteristics of Living Things 297KB Don Little **** 20/10/09 Chromosome 6.4MB Siva Ramamoorthy ***** 23/3/07 Cigarette Smoke and Disease 176KB Paul Jackson *** 15/1/07 Circulation 632KB Keith Hicks *** 1/4/06 Circulatory system2 648KB Stephen Morris ***** 31/10/06 Circulatory System 699KB Rik G **** 18/1/05 Classification 1.1 MB Paresh Mahawar **** 5/6/06 Classification of Animals 5.8MB Sei Mei Li **** 7/7/06 clinical terms 158KB Peggy ** 17/10/04 Cloning- What is it? 230KB Liza *** 8/10/06 Cloning - Science Fiction or Science Fact 1.55MB Lindsay Wainwright **** 18/12/07 Cocaine 1.4MB Paul Cushing **** 1/4/06 Communication and Cell Signalling 924KB kostas beritsis **** 16/11/09 Control of heartbeat 117KB Paul Jackson ** 15/1/07 Controlling Disease 122KB John *** 18/12/07 Co-ordination of the Cardiac Cycle 960KB Rachel Conrad **** 5/4/09 Cuvier Presentation 294KB Eric *** 01/03/06 Daily and seasonal changes 3.0 MB Simon D *** 24/1/04 Demost biotec2 423KB Yolanda Ramos **** Biology(Spanish) Development 1.9MB Liza **** 8/10/06 Digestion 238KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Digestion and Peristalsis 331KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Digestive Enzymes 21KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Digestion- foundation level 949KB Belinda(worksheets on request) ***** 18/12/07 Digestion- higher level 1.05MB Belinda(worksheets on request) ***** 18/12/07 Digestion in Ruminants & Rodents 1.9MB Diyana Jamari ***** 15/3/09 DihybridInheritance 57KB Angela *** 19/11/04 Disease pics 1.1MB Rik G *** 30/11/04 DNA Fingerprinting powerpoint 208KB Siobhan Coughlan **** 20/8/06 DNA or No DNA 639KB Lisa *** 29/12/05 DNA replication (flash animation) 384KB Rodney Boyer **** 17/10/04 DNA replication 1.3 MB Sutur **** 5/7/04 DNA Structure 2.5MB michael dowdall **** 08/6/08 Drugs 110KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Drugs Effects on Our Bodies 1.03MB John *** 18/12/07 Earthworm 1.7MB Surendran_K **** 18/2/09 Ecology, what is it? 522KB Char Hisaysu **** 15/5/06 Ecological Relationships 494KB Gillian Rorhwell **** 7/7/06 Ecology 1.3MB Katherine White **** 23/11/08 Ecosystems 503KB Katherine White *** 23/11/08 Electrophoresis 14KB Lisa ** 29/12/05 ElectronMicroscope 960KB fkelly.co.uk *** 19/11/04 Emergence of the animal kingdom 3.01MB Jerry **** 14/12/04 Endocrine and nervous system 2.9MB Sarah Berard ***** 25/12/06 Endoscopy 713KB Surendran_K *** 18/2/09 Environment and feeding relationships 1.1 MB Stu S *** 19/1/04 Environments 2.1MB Williamallan ***** 23/3/07 Enzymes 68KB Salvador *** 12/2/06 Enzymes 4.4MB Debbie Corral **** 8/10/06 Enzyme-induced fit diagram 29KB Anant Pande *** 27/04/08 Enzyme-Lock and Key 34KB Anant Pande *** 27/04/08 Enzymes- What are they? 184KB Paul Morrison **** 31/10/06 Enzymes- models of action 184KB Paul Morrison **** 31/10/06 Enzymes and digestion 200KB Susie Jenkins **** 12/5/09 Evolution and Darwin 188 KB Rob&Marsh *** 15/6/05 Exp_photosynthesis1 3.0MB YKNG **** 11/8/05 Exp_photosynthesis2 492KB Paul **** 11/8/05 Eye 349KB Rik G **** 18/1/05 Farm animal breeds 446KB Rik G *** 30/11/04 Feeding relationships 6.8 MB WBC **** 14/7/04 Fertilizers and Pesticides 1.1MB IC Smith *** 1/4/06 Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, birds, and mammals 5.1MB Meredith Sanders *** 18/12/07 food pyramid 2.6MB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Food Production & the environment 1;6MB Teresa Middleton ***** 12/11/08 Food Webs 700KB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Food web of the Arctic 759KB Meredith Sanders *** 18/12/07 Food Chains and Webs 575KB Katherine White *** 23/11/08 Food Safety 184KB Nancy Hackmann **** 12/5/09 Fossils 611KB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Fungi 6.8MB Tbarger ***** 30/11/04 Gel Electrophoresis 1.0MB Lisa *** 29/12/05 Gene Function and Structure 905 KB Paul *** 5/7/04 Genetic Code1 120KB Lisa *** 29/12/05 Genetic Engineering 124KB Lisa *** 29/12/05 Genetic Engineering 1.0MB Laureen **** 1/4/09 Genetics 598KB Lisa Deluca ***** 18/12/07 Genetic Crosses 498KB Rik G *** 18/1/05 Genetics- General 972KB Scott *** 29/12/05 Genetics- inheritance 598KB Lisa Deluca **** 18/12/07 Genetic Screening 88KB Ian Richardson *** 15/5/06 Genetic Traits 5.0MB Meredith Sanders *** 18/12/07 Genotype and Phenotype 428KB Joyce zakem *** Biology Gregor Mendel 159KB Liza **** 8/10/06 Growing Plants 8.1MB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Habitats Trees as Homes 715KB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Health and Hospitals 677KB Noreen **** 02/02/08 Healthy Bodies- part1 677KB Williamallan **** 23/3/07 Healthy Bodies- part2 780KB Williamallan **** 23/3/07 Heart 207 KB Mark ** 7/1/04 Heart 916KB Keith Hicks *** 1/4/06 Heart disease arteriosclerosis 1.3 MB Susan *** 14/1/04 Heart and Circulatory System 17KB Hina Hashmi ** 29/1/09 Hedgerows and Monoculture 1.56MB IC Smith *** 1/4/06 Heterotrophic Nutrition 473KB Abd Manap Mahmud **** 18/12/07 Hormones 2.1 MB Rory G *** 5/6/06 HIV and AIDS 427KB Rhys Lewis *** 25/12/06 HIV_and_AIDS 741KB Hina Hashmi *** 12/1/09 Homeostasis of the body 1.1MB Belinda (worksheets on request) **** 2/7/07 Human health and disease 673KB C Milne ***** 1/4/06 Human Imunnodeficiency Virus 2.9MB Sarah Berard ***** 25/12/06 The Immune System 2.1 MB Catherine Taylor ***** 5/6/06 Transplantation Immunology 2.0MB Pratap Patle *** 20/10/09 Infectious disease STD 130KB Nancy Hackmann *** 12/5/09 Influenza 234KB Ieuan Davies **** 20/10/09 Inheritance Assessment 1.2MB Lisa **** 29/12/05 Inheritance Basic 228KB Paul Jackson *** 15/1/07 In Their Natural Habitats 366KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Introduction to Cells 41KB Hina Hashmi *** 21/1/09 Introduction to Plants 463KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Intro to Drugs 535KB Nancy Hackmann **** 12/5/09 Intensive farming 815KB Rik G *** 18/1/05 Interactions of Life-Communities 5.6MB Robby Saint ***** 2/7/07 Intro to water and ADH 253KB Lisa Doig *** 11/1/09 Immune System 1.03MB Michael S **** 29/12/05 Immune System 591KB Debbie Corral **** 23/3/07 Kidney 484KB Rik G *** 18/1/05 kidney damage wordsearch 68KB Lisa Doig *** 11/1/09 Kidneys 271KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Kingdom Protista part I 546KB Louise Pollack **** 25/12/06 Kingdom Protista part II- Algae 1.3MB Louise Pollack **** 25/12/06 Krebs Cycle 71KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Lab Photosynthesis1 264KB Jim *** 11/8/05 Lab_Respiration1 395KB Maya *** 11/8/05 lac operon 99KB Sarah Magor *** 15/5/06 Leaf Structure and Photosynthesis 95KB Hina Hashmi *** 21/1/09 Living Factories 252KB Hina Hashmi *** 21/1/09 Life Processes 115KB Shaun *** 14/12/04 LightDependentReaction 302KB fkelly.co.uk *** 19/11/04 Lipids 256KB fkelly.co.uk *** 19/11/04 Lower Plants 2.1MB Ben Zalewski **** 25/12/06 Lungs 251KB Debbie Corral **** 23/3/07 Making a microscope slide 2MB Peter L **** 29/12/05 Marijuana 100KB Nancy Hackmann *** 12/5/09 Mammals 343KB Michael Bichler **** 7/9/08 Medicine in the Nineteenth Century 392KB Noreen **** 02/02/08 Mendel 296KB fkelly.co.uk *** 19/11/04 Mendel's Law of Segregation 493KB Ian Richardson **** 15/5/06 Mental Health and self-esteem 85KB Nancy Hackmann *** 12/5/09 Meosis 607KB Rik G *** 18/1/05 Monohybrid 108KB Angela *** 19/11/04 Microbes 628 KB Susan *** 15/1/04 The Microscope 648KB Mr Ryan **** 12/9/06 MakingFood 7.4MB Hina Hashmi ***** 21/1/09 Microbes 341KB Hina Hashmi *** 21/1/09 mitosis 931KB Liza **** 12/5/09 Mitosis and Meiosis 817KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Mutation 606KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Mitosis 815KB Rik G **** 18/1/05 natural selection 320KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Natural Selection in Action 1.4MB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Natural Selection model 97KB Jane *** 29/12/05 Natural Vegetation 10.7MB Ritesh *** 20/10/09 Nerve and endocrine systems 2.9MB Sarah Berard ***** 25/12/06 Nervous System 2.3MB Debbie Corral **** 23/3/07 Nervous System and drug addiction 1.39MB Ray **** 11/8/05 The nervous system & sensitivity 232KB Teresa Middleton **** 12/11/08 Nerves- 1 slide with nice diagram 956KB Debbie Corral *** 23/3/07 Neurons 403KB Michael S **** 14/10/05 Nitrogen Cycle 140 KB Ken Macdonald *** 5/6/06 Nitrogen cycle 2 319KB Ken Macdonald **** 2/7/07 NMR for diagnosis and drug design 109KB Lucky Aftab *** 20/6/07 Nutrition 521KB Michelle Feuer **** 25/12/06 Nutrition 7.1MB Nancy Hackmann ***** 12/5/09 Nutrition and You 428KB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Osmosis & Diffusion 1.2 MB ET **** 19/4/05 Periodic Table- English version orFrench Version 175KB+131KB Amarilys Valentin *** 1/12/09 PCR 162KB Rachel Conrad *** 10/10/08 Photosynthesis equation keywords 31KB Debbie Corral *** 8/10/06 population 100KB GCHS ** 17/10/04 Photosynthesis (flash animatiom) 288KB Rodney Boyer **** 17/10/04 Photosynthesis 1.97MB John ***** 11/8/05 Photosynthesis2 1.4MB Ryan Dunne **** 25/12/06 Plant Divisions 3.5MB Sarah Berard **** 25/12/06 Plants general structure 1.6MB Rik G ***** 29/12/05 Plants- why study them? 287KB Trenton *** 11/8/05 Plants_A test 176KB Bobby *** 11/8/05 Plants 2 1.1 MB Keja Beeson **** 5/6/06 Plant part roots 377KB Ryan Hill **** 23/11/08 Plant production- watering 607KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Plant Tissues 3.8MB Ben Zalewski **** 25/12/06 Plant structure adaptations and responses 5.3MB Sarah Berard ***** 25/12/06 Plantlets 405KB Hina Hashmi **** 21/1/09 Plant transformation methodsAdvanced Level 9.01MB A Muthusamy **** 21/1/09 Populations 760KB Pati Pineda **** 23/3/07 Pollination and Fertilisation 702KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Pollution 535KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Predators and prey 95 KB Dave * 12/1/04 Proteins 1.17MB Sakh Khalsa **** 15/1/07 Protein structure 1.87MB Mark **** 25/11/04 Protein synthesis 1.0 MB Jenny P **** 23/1/04 protein synthesis (simplified) 2.9MB christine holloway **** 16/11/09 Protein Secretion 760KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Pyramids 52KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Reproductive Systems 547KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Respiration 1.6MB Debbie Corral **** 8/10/06 Schizophrenia 93KB alice johnson *** 16/11/09 Scurvy 99 KB Pete ** 8/1/04 Sharks 535KB Meredith *** 02/02/08 Sea Otter 2.8MB jim Fiddes ***** 8/6/08 SexLinkage 67KB fkelly.co.uk *** 19/11/04 Sexual Differentiation 2.1 MB John Bojnowski *** 5/6/06 Sexual Reproduction 206KB Lisa *** 29/12/05 Sexual Reproduction2 2.1 MB John Bojnowski **** 5/6/06 Sexuality 131KB Nancy Hackmann *** 12/5/09 Simple Animals 534KB Ben Zalewski *** 25/12/06 Smoking 409 KB Bella ** 26/1/04 Solvents 1.66MB Mitch **** 14/10/05 Specialised Cells 295KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Spiders and Insects 1.06MB Carolyn Kinne *** 7/8/09 Structure of DNA 3.8 MB Bella **** 26/1/04 Structure Skeletal Muscle 3.6MB Heprs **** 14/10/05 Support and locomotion 1.1 MB Mark *** 20/1/04 Symbiosis 134KB John ** 14/10/05 Symbiosis2 429KB Larry *** 14/10/05 Symbiosis3 312KB Joe K *** 14/10/05 Symbiosis and Homeostasis 182KB Katherine White *** 23/11/08 Teeth 456KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Thalidomide 1MB Rik G *** 31/10/06 The Body 450KB Paresh **** 12/2/06 The Human Genome project 2.5MB Ian Richardson *** 15/5/06 Temperature Regulation 451KB Debbie Corral **** 23/3/07 Tobacco 6.82MB Mitch **** 14/10/05 Tobacco 1.1MB Nancy Hackmann ***** 12/5/09 Tobacco and diseases 439KB Teresa Middleton **** 12/11/08 Transport in plants 658KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Variation and the Monohybrid Cross 818KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Variation and mutation 254 KB Cheryl ** 5/7/04 Vertebrates KS3 958 KB Raj Gold *** 19/4/05 Viruses 1.5MB Jeddy **** 14/12/04 Virus Structure and Method of Invasion 179KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Viruses and HIV 1.0MB Jessica Moore *** 15/1/07 What are blood vessels 175KB Hina Hashmi *** 29/1/09 Women and Medicine 478KB Noreen **** 02/02/08 Xerophytes 1.7MB IC Smith
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