Lecture Notes For All: Basic Theory II study materials



Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Basic Theory II study materials

Basic Theory II study materialsPowerpoint lecture slides

Dr. J. Paul Robinson, Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories

Author: Dr. J. Paul Robinson

Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories

Email: jpr@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu

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1. Mechanics of a flow cell
2. How foward angle light scatter is collected
3. How 90 degree light scatter is collected
4. Fluorescence detection in the flow cell
5. Fluoresecence activated cell sorting in the flowcytometer
6. Optical filters - an example of a dichroic filter
7. Mechanism of a band pass filter
8. Examples of long and short pass filters
9. Diagramatic representation of the optic layout of a flow cytometer
10. Common excitation and emission spectra of various fluorescent probes
11. Excitation and emission spectra of propidium iodide
12. Excitation and emission spectra of FITC
13. Excitation and emission spectra of PE
14. Excitation and emission spectra of APC
15. Diagram of typical research cytometer (Coulter 753)
16. Diagram of typical clinical cytometer
17. Diagram of microscope and its optics

Table of Contents

1. Mechanics of a flow cell

2. How foward angle light scatter is collected

3. How 90 degree light scatter is collected

4. Fluorescence detection in the flow cell

5. Fluorescence activated cell sorting in the flow cytometer

6. Optical Filters

7.Mechanism of a band pass filter

8. Standard Long Pass Filters

9. Diagramatic representation of the optic layout of a flow cytometer

10. Common excitation and emission spectra of various fluorescent probes

11. Excitation and emission spectra of Propidium Iodide

12. Excitation and emission spectra of Fluorescein (FITC)

13.Excitation and emission spectra of Phycoerytherin (PE)

14. Excitation and emission spectra of Allophycocyanin (APC)

15.Typical Research Cytometer (Coulter 753) (1980s)

16. Diagram of typical clinical cytometer

17. The Conventional Microscope

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