Lecture Notes For All: File Structures



Thursday, May 27, 2010

File Structures

File Structures

Course Overview:
The Course will cover the following materials: File concepts, basic file operations, physical file organization and compression techniques, sequential file structures, hashing and direct organization structures, indexed structures, list file structures (inverted, multi-key, ect.), tree structures (B trees, B+ trees,... etc.), external sorting techniques, searching techniques.
Course Objectives:
· Provide a solid introduction to the topic of file structure design.
· Discuss, in detail, the data structures necessary for achieving its efficiency objectives.
· Introducing techniques for organization and manipulation of data in secondary storage including the low level aspects of file manipulation which include basic file operations, secondary storage devices and system software.
· Introducing the most important high-level file structures tools which include indexing, co-sequential processing, B trees, Hashing.
· Applying the techniques in the design of C++ programs for solving various file management problems.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this course, the student should demonstrate the knowledge and ability to:
Explain the importance of file structures in the Data Storage and Manipulation.
Show how various kind of secondary storage devices to store data.
Show how the File Structure approach differs from the data base approach.
Know the low level aspects of file manipulation.
Know the importance of data compression.
Know some of the high-level file structures tools and recognize the difference between various indexing techniques.
Implement some of the learned techniques and concepts using C++ for solving various file management problems.
Teaching Methods:
The course will be based on the following teaching and learning activities:
Lectures covering the theoretical part using both Power Point presentations and White board.
Visit some websites that provide animation for some of the techniques presented in the course.
Review questions and class discussion.
Programming assignments.
Using the Internet to find the recent information related to the course.

Teaching Resources:
Main Text Book

File Structures, an Object Oriented Approach with C++, M.J.Folk, B. Zoellick and G.Riccardi, Addison-Wesley, 1998.
Supplementary Books:
· Deitel and Deitel, C++ How to Program, 5th edition. Prentice Hall. 2006.

Week 1 : Introduction Get Slide in PDF
· Course Description Get Slide in PDF
· Review some concepts from the Data structure Course
· Introducing the File Structure
· The Heart and aim of File Structure Design
· A short history of File Structure Design
Week 2: Fundamental File Processing Operations (1) Get Slide in PDF
· Physical Files and Logical Files
· Introducing types of files
· Text File Operations and Functions in C++
· Manipulating Text Files
· Writing Sample Programs to solve various problems
Week 3 : Fundamental File Processing Operations (2)
· Binary File Operations and Functions in C++
· Manipulating Binary Files in C++ (File of Records)
· Writing Sample Programs to solve various problems
· Seeking in C++
Week 4: Secondary Storage Get Slide in PDF
· Introducing the various kinds of storages media
· Types Disks
· Organization of Disks
· Disk Access
· Some Calculations related to Disk Capacity
· Some Calculations related to Disk Access
Week 5: System Software
· A journey of a Byte
· Disk Bottleneck
· Buffers and Buffer Management
First Exam
Week 6: Fundamental File Structure Concepts Get Slide in PDF
· Field and Record Organization
· Record Access (Sequential and Direct)
· Header Records and Metadata
· Portability and Standardization
Week 7: Organizing Files for Performance Get Slide in PDF
· Introducing the Data Compression concept
· The RLE technique
· Huffman compression technique Visit this Site for an Animated version of the Huffman Code algorithm: Huffman
Week 8 : Reclaiming Space in Files
· Main file operations
· Deleting records from file
· Deleting record from fixed length record files dynamically
· Deleting record from Variable length record files dynamically
Week 9: Finding Things Quickly
· Internal Sorting and Binary Searching
· Keysorting
Week 10: Indexing Get Slide in PDF
· What is an Index
· Simple Index for Entry-Sequenced Files
· Large Index Files
· Inverted Lists and Selective Indexes
· Advantages and Disadvantages of Indexing
Week 11: Consequential Processing and the Sorting of Large Files Get Slide in PDF
· Matching and Merging Sorted Files
· Merging as a way of sorting large files on Disk
Week 12: Indexing using Tree Structured File Organizations
· Statement of the problem
· Indexing with Binary Search Trees
· Indexing with Paged Binary Search Trees
Second Exam
Week 13 and 14: Multilevel Indexing Get Slide in PDF
· Introducing the B-tree Index: Statement of the problem
· Manipulating B-Trees (Creating, Searching, and Inserting )
· Deleting a key from a B-Tree
· Introducing the B+ tree file structure
· Manipulating B+Trees (Creating, Searching, and Inserting )
Week 15: Hashing Get Slide in PDF
· Introduction to Hashing
· Collisions
· A Simple Hashing Algorithm
· Hashing Functions
· Collision Resolution Techniques

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