Geophysical Laboratory
Robert M.hazen
Lecture PowerPoints
Lecture PowerPoint Presentations of Recent Lectures
Please click on [PPT] for downloadable PowerPoint presentations.
1. “Right and Left: Mineral surfaces and the origin of biochemical homochiralityGeophysical Laboratory”. Explores possible roles of chiral mineral surfaces in the selection and concentration of chiral amino acids and sugars. I’ve given this lecture many times during 2006-2007. [PPT]
2. “A combinatoric approach to the study of mineral-molecule interactions”. This lecture was delivered at the “Frontiers of Mineralogy” meeting in Cambridge England (June 2007) at a session I organized with Dimitri Sverjensky. [PPT]
3. “What factors promote the emergence of biocomplexity”. This lecture was delivered at the first Kavli Futures Workshop (“From Nano to Bio”) in Ilulliset, Greenland (June 2007). [PPT]
4. “From Geo to Bio: The emergence of biochemical complexity”. This lecture was delivered as the NSF Biosciences Distinguished Lectureship presentation in June, 2007. [PPT]
5. “Genesis: The scientific quest for life’s origins”. This lecture, based on my book of the same name, is aimed at a general audience and has been presented at many universities and public lecture series. [PPT]
6. “ID and the College Classroom: Should we ‘teach the controversy’?”. Presented several times during 2006-2007 as the Dover, Pennsylvania intelligent design trial evoked much debate. [PPT]
7. “Extreme Crystallography: 87 years of crystallographic innovation at the Geophysical Laboratory”. Presented at the symposium commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Geophysical Lab (May 2006). [PPT]
8. “Can high pressure enhance the long-term survivability of microorganisms?” Presented at the GSA Pardee Keynote Symposium on “Evidence for long-term survival of microorganisms”. (October, 2006). [PPT]
9. “Achieving Scientific Literacy: A Catechism for Science Education Reform”. This is my basic lecture on how to design science courses for undergraduates who are not science majors. [PPT]
10. “From Nano to Global: Materials approaches to climate and energy”. Presented as a lunchtime talk at the Transatlantic Science Week 2007 (October 2007). [PPT]
11. “High Pressure and the Origin of Life”. Presented in Beijing at the July, 2001, AIRAPT meeting. [PPT]
12. “Hydrothermal production of amphiphilic molecules from pyruvate.” Presented at the American Chemical Society Spring Meeting (San Diego, April, 2001). [PPT]
13. Should you believe in evolution?" Presented at Riderwood, Silver Spring, Maryland on September 4, 2008.(PPT)