Lecture Notes For All: May 2010



Thursday, May 27, 2010

Geophysical Laboratory

Geophysical Laboratory

Robert M.hazen

Lecture PowerPoints

Lecture PowerPoint Presentations of Recent Lectures
Please click on [PPT] for downloadable PowerPoint presentations.
1. “Right and Left: Mineral surfaces and the origin of biochemical homochiralityGeophysical Laboratory”. Explores possible roles of chiral mineral surfaces in the selection and concentration of chiral amino acids and sugars. I’ve given this lecture many times during 2006-2007. [PPT]
2. “A combinatoric approach to the study of mineral-molecule interactions”. This lecture was delivered at the “Frontiers of Mineralogy” meeting in Cambridge England (June 2007) at a session I organized with Dimitri Sverjensky. [PPT]
3. “What factors promote the emergence of biocomplexity”. This lecture was delivered at the first Kavli Futures Workshop (“From Nano to Bio”) in Ilulliset, Greenland (June 2007). [PPT]
4. “From Geo to Bio: The emergence of biochemical complexity”. This lecture was delivered as the NSF Biosciences Distinguished Lectureship presentation in June, 2007. [PPT]
5. “Genesis: The scientific quest for life’s origins”. This lecture, based on my book of the same name, is aimed at a general audience and has been presented at many universities and public lecture series. [PPT]
6. “ID and the College Classroom: Should we ‘teach the controversy’?”. Presented several times during 2006-2007 as the Dover, Pennsylvania intelligent design trial evoked much debate. [PPT]
8. “Can high pressure enhance the long-term survivability of microorganisms?” Presented at the GSA Pardee Keynote Symposium on “Evidence for long-term survival of microorganisms”. (October, 2006). [PPT]
9. “Achieving Scientific Literacy: A Catechism for Science Education Reform”. This is my basic lecture on how to design science courses for undergraduates who are not science majors. [PPT]
10. “From Nano to Global: Materials approaches to climate and energy”. Presented as a lunchtime talk at the Transatlantic Science Week 2007 (October 2007). [PPT]
11. “High Pressure and the Origin of Life”. Presented in Beijing at the July, 2001, AIRAPT meeting. [PPT]
12. “Hydrothermal production of amphiphilic molecules from pyruvate.” Presented at the American Chemical Society Spring Meeting (San Diego, April, 2001). [PPT]


Geography and Geology powerpoints

Geography and Geology powerpoints

Free Geography Powerpoint presentations. Great for KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 and post 16 A level lessonplans, K-12 and more. Use and alter these presentations freely or any power point template used in this presentations site for other teachers. If you have any powerpoints then please consider submitting them for other teachers to download too. It's all about sharing and helping others. Powerpoints and whiteboards are likely to increase in popularity year by year as more and more schools adopt them.
GeographySizeSubmitted byRatingDate
Antarctica171 KBParen***9/4/05
Africa the continent1.5MBRob Clutter****12/1/09
Africa Geography Game371KBKaren Williams***25/8/09
Antartica the continent3.6MBRob Clutter****12/1/09
Asia the continent3.5MBRob Clutter****12/1/09
Australia1.5MBRob Clutter****12/1/09
Atmosphere313 KBJohn****15/6/05
Bonners Ferry MudSlide465KBGreg***27/04/08
Bridges253KBCarolyn Kinne***25/8/09
Changes in the CBD634KBBen Bates***20/04/07
Clouds457KBCarolyn Kinne***25/8/09
Coastal Erosion1.9 MBTA****19/4/05
Coasts and Reefs2.4 MBCam****19/4/05
Coastal Dunes180 KBLindsey****15/6/05
Deserts1.4 MBDave****19/4/05
Erosion710 KBMartin***19/4/05
Earthquakes1.9MBHarry Rowe*****30/11/04
Europe the contintent2.8MBRob Clutter****12/1/09
Geographic Dictionary158KBMeredith Sanders***18/12/07
Hurricanes8.0MBMeredith Sanders***18/12/07
Ice Ages97 KBSteven***9/4/05
Influence of Human Activity on the Environment199KBMary Scott****25/12/06
Jeopardy weather patterns1.3MBErin Carpenter***27/04/08
Landforms331KBCarolyn Kinne***25/8/09
Longshore Drift1.3 MBTom***19/4/05
Mapping1.4MBMary Clark****18/12/07
Marshes1.9 MBOuida****15/6/05
Name That Geological Deformation2.2MBGreg Cossette****18/12/07
The Netherlands885KBKaren Williams***25/8/09
North America the continent2.4MBRob Clutter****12/1/09
Oceans535KBCarolyn Kinne***25/8/09
Our Earth’s Resources687KBCarolyn Kinne***25/8/09
Plate Tectonics8.5MBMike****12/2/06
Plate Tectonics - earth14.1MBShane Crone*****15/5/06
River Severn Source to Mouth960KBJames Robertson****1/4/09
Salt Marshes2.0 MBMaia****15/6/05
South America the continent2.0MBRob Clutter****12/1/09
The Appalachian Trail524KBEarl Amstrng***12/9/04
The Work of Rivers130KBMelvin***17/10/04
Well logging_The_Bore_Hole2.3MBShabaz****20/8/06
Weather5.0MBShana Kaase*****25/12/06

General Physics

General Physics

Professor: Ricky J. Sethi

Click here to download the files :-
Daily Lecture Notes

Lab Notes

Lab Notes Orig

General Biochemistry

General Biochemistry
Biophysical chemistry for biology students

Lectures and tutorials

Topics covered:

Advanced enzyme kinetics
Main focus on conceptual and theoretical aspects
Less focus on experimental methodology
Basic chemistry, basic biochemistry,
and basic mathematics
(Classes in basic calculus are included in the course)
Click here to download the files:-

Exam Qestions


Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Theory

Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Theory
Welcome to the EEE241 Class
Instructor: Dragica Vasileska
Course (Catalog) Description: Vector analysis, differential operators, appliation of fourier analysis and prtial differential equations, scalar, vector fields, electro/magneto statics, time-varying fields, boundary value problems, dielectric, magnetic materials, Maxwell’s equations.
Course Type: Lecture.
Prerequisite: EEE 202; MAT 267, 274 (or 275), MAT 272; PHY 131, 132
Computer Usage: Students are assumed to be versed in the use MathCAD or MATLAB to perform scientific computing such as numerical calculations, plotting of functions and performing integrations. Students will develop and visualize solutions to moderately complicated field problems using these tools.
Textbook: Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics.
Supplemental Materials: Basics of Electromagnetics, Prof. Branko Popovic
Prerequisites by Topic:
1. University physics
2. Complex numbers
3. Partial differentiation
4. Multiple Integrals
5. Vector Analysis
6. Fourier Series
Course Topics: Cheng Text:
Homework #1 due January 28th, Solutions to HW1
Chapters 1 and 2
Homework #2 due February 4th Solutions to HW2
Chapter 2
Homework #3 due February 11th Solutions to HW3
3.1 - 3.4
4. First alternative to Gauss Law: The potential function and the Electric Field and the Boundary Conditions of electric fields (1 week)
Homework #4 due February 23 Solutions to HW4
3.5, 3.6
5. Second alternative to Gauss' Law: Integration over sources to calculate the D-field of symmetric and non symmetric charge distributions (1week)
3.7, 3.8, 3.9
Exam #1 March 4th (Wednesday) Solutions to Exam #1
Chapters 1 – 3
4.1- 4.3
9. Method of Images (1 week)
Homework #6 due March 25th, Solution provided in Lecture Notes
4.5, 4.6, 4.7 (HW)
Chapter 5
Slides provided
6.1, 6.2
6.3, 6.4
6.5, 6.9, 6.6, 6.7
6.8, 6.10
Exam #2 April 15th (Wednesday) Solutions to Exam #2
Chapters 4 - 6
18. Magnetic Energy (1/2 week)
19. Maxwells Equations: Faraday’s Law (1 week)
7.1, 7.2
20. Maxwells Equations: Potential function, Wave Equation and its Solution (1/2 week)
7.3, 7.4, 7.6
Final Exam May 13th 9:50 – 11:40 am, Exam3 Solutions

Course Objective:
Students can apply fundamental electromagnetic theory to solution of practical problems
Course Outcomes:
1. Students understand the fundamentals of Electrostatics
2. Students understand the fundamentals of Magnetostatics
3. Students understand the characteristics of materials and their interactions with electric and magnetic fields
4. Students recognize Maxwell’s equations