Lecture Notes For All: Introduction to Computer Science



Sunday, May 15, 2011

Introduction to Computer Science

UCR CS 10: Introduction to Computer Science I


In CS 010, you'll become familiar with the basic concepts underlying computer programming, and learn to apply those principles using a powerful and widely used programming language, C++. You should learn to solve basic problems by designing non-trivial programs. And you will learn to work with others (the computing field is, contrary to some beliefs, a very social discipline).

Catalog description :CS 010. Introduction to Computer Science for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering I (4) Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): MATH 009A (may be taken concurrently). Solving problems through structured programming of algorithms on computers, using the C++ object-oriented language. Topics include variables, expressions, input/output (I/O), branches, loops, functions, parameters, arrays, strings, file I/O, and classes. Also covers software design, testing, and debugging.

Basic information

Instructor :Sections 001 and 002: Kris Miller (kmiller@cs.ucr.edu).
Office hours:
  • MF 11am - 12pm
  • or by appt.
Office: Surge Bldg. 341.
Lecture:Section 001: MWF 2:10pm-3:00pm HMNSS 1503
Section 002: MWF 4:10pm-5:00pm HMNSS 1503

Teaching Assistants:Office hours held in Surge Bldg. 282.

Lab section 021: Mon 6:10 - 9:00pm Surge Bldg. 171 - Matt Fast (mfast@cs.ucr.edu) (Office Hours: M 5pm - 6pm)

Lab section 022: Tue 11:10 - 2:00pm Surge Bldg. 170 - Teddy Matinde (tmatinde@cs.ucr.edu) (Office Hours: W 1pm - 2pm)

Lab section 023: Tue 2:10 - 5:00pm Surge Bldg. 170 - Yonghui Wu (yonghui@cs.ucr.edu)(Office Hours: T 5pm - 6pm)

Lab section 024: Wed 8:10 - 11:00am Surge Bldg. 170 - Eric Cheung (chuncheung@cs.ucr.edu) (Office Hours: W 11am - 12pm)

Lab section 025: Tue 6:10 - 9:00pm Surge Bldg. 171 - Jorge Mena (jmena@cs.ucr.edu) (Office Hours: F 10am - 11am)

Textbook:Big C++, by Cay Horstmann and Timothy Budd, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 0-471-47063-5

Course Email List:CS 10 mailing list (send mail now or access the archive)
ALL course related information/announcements will be conveyed to you via email. Most students will be automatically subscribed to this mailing list when enrolled in the course. However, it is up to you to ensure that you are in fact subscribed (you can go to the links above to check the subscription list). All communications from the CS department will be to your cs (or other ucr) email account, and all communications from you to the department must also originate from the same account. Make sure you make this your primary account, or at least have it forward all mail to your primary account.
NOTE: Mail sent to this mailing list will be received by all students in the class. It is considered cheating to give assignment source code to another student, so do NOT post assignment source code to this list.

Course grading:The course consists of 100 points:
  • Practice items (20 points) -- Designed to help you learn and to do well on the assessment items.
    • 5 pts: In-class exercises (Turned in each day, but only 10 will be evaluated as satisfactory or unsatisfactory - 0.5pts each)
    • 5 pts: CodeLab Homework (10 - 15 exercises per week worth approx. 0.5 pts per week)
    • 10 pts: In-lab exercises (10 worth 1 pt each)
  • Assessment items (80 points) -- Mainly to determine whether you are learning, and to also help you learn by studying. Graded as usual.
    • 15 pts: Midterm
    • 20 pts: Final
    • 10 pts: Quizzes (best 5 scores worth 2 pts each)
    • 15 pts: Programming assignments (8 worth approx. 2 pts each)
    • 20 pts: In-lab practical exams (4 worth 5 pts each)

Grades will be assigned using a conventional grading scale: 100-90 A, 89-80 B, 79-70 C, 69-60 D, 59-0 F. +/- grades will be given. Students are NOT competing against one another, but rather against the scale -- all students can get good grades if all do well. We may adjust ("curve") an individual assessment item if such adjusting HELPS the class.

Lecture schedule

Subject to change as the quarter progresses.
Read the book before lecture! Reading ahead is one of the most effective ways of doing better in class -- you'll be amazed how much more useful the lectures will be. We'll follow the book closely.

The Chapter references are to the class text book "Big C++" by Cay Horstmann and Timothy Budd.

In-Lecture Exercise Solutions

In-Lecture Solutions

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